Witness is a documentary television programme that airs on Al Jazeera English. Formerly presented by Rageh Omaar and Ghida Fakhry, the programme showcases documentaries commissioned from independent filmmakers around the world. The films focus on stories that receive less international coverage and "people at the margins of society." The show occasionally features interviews with the filmmakers. Witness was one of the first programmes on Al Jazeera English, and has been airing since the channel's inception in November 2006. It was presented by Rageh Omaar from 2006 to 2010. While the scheduling has changed over the years, currently there is at least one new episode each week which premieres on Tuesdays at 22:30 GMT or Wednesdays at 20:00 GMT and is re-aired throughout the week. The show has won multiple documentary awards and has received two International Emmy Award nominations.